LeanMastery Incubator FAQ
Designed to achieve your dreams while managing your risk
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+ What are the requirements to participate in the program?
All participants must meet the following requirements:
- Be able to dedicate 15-20 hours a week on their startup.
- Meet with your coach using Zoom, our primary online video chat tool, at scheduled check points and demonstrate progress on activities.
- Have access to a laptop to complete the activities and submit your work to your assigned coach.
- Afford $200 per month fee.
- Apply to the program by the application deadline date and be selected into the program.
+ When are applications due?
Monday, December 9, 2019
+ How does the incubator help me as a founder?
The LeanMastery startup incubator provides you the knowledge, tool, and expertise you need to build your thriving business fast.
Knowledge: Our project guides are designed to help you systematically build your startup fast. Each guide organizes your work into milestones. The milestones can be completed by working through each activity. Each activity consists of inputs, outputs, workshops, and workplan. The guides include workshops that help you learn the lean concepts to successfuly complete each activity.
Tools: Our proven tools and templates help you:
COMMUNICATE EFFICIENTLY WITH STAKEHOLDERS: Our Framework makes it easy for you to communicate your value to customers, your purpose to employees, and your progress to investors and advisors.
MAKE BETTER DECISIONS FASTER: Our tools enable you to quickly determine if you’ve successfully validated your business assumptions and eliminate distractions to keep you focused on the task at-hand.
ACCOMPLISH MORE FROM EXPERT FEEDBACK: Our experts provide you feedback on your completed work product, which enables you to quickly improve your approach and get better results.Expertise: Our coaches are experienced experts in modern lean startup development and your one-on-one sessions with them will keep you on-track and focused. Your assigned a coach will answer any questions you have as you work through the guides and tools. Scheduled meetings with your coach and other founders with your cohort to help you overcome obstacles to continue making incremental, measurable progress.
+ What is the selection criteria for Applicants?
Our selection criteria evaluates your application based on 3 factors:
Problem Quality: How well did you describe the problem and whether the problem is worth solving.
Customer: How well did you describe the customer you want to serve and if you can reach the identified customer.
Founder Ability: Why are you are uniquely qualified to solve the identified problem.
+ How does rolling admission or acceptance work?
We accept startups to our Incubator on a rolling basis and we provide immediate, direct feedback if your application has gaps. If you can fix these gaps, you can submit a revised application. The sooner you apply, the sooner you can secure your spot in this cohort.
We offer a limited number of spots in each cohort and spots are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all spots have been filled, applications will close. Don’t miss out by delaying your application submission!
+ How much does it cost to apply?
$0. Nothing. Nada. We will never charge you to apply to our incubator.
+ How much does it cost to participate in the incubator program?
Program cost is only $200 per month and you can cancel anytime. There’s no catch … you will NOT give up equity to participate in our Incubator program and there are NO ADDITIONAL FEES. The program duration for most participants is 3 months. However, some participants may find a fatal flaw in their idea that can extend the timeline.
+ When will I know if I am selected?
Selected Applicants will be notified through rolling admissions, but no later than December 13, 2019. If you are not selected, you can reapply for our next cohort. We will notify all applicants by December 18, 2019 of their status along with feedback for how to improve your application if you were not selected.